AutoSongbook for iPad Apple's iTunes store

About AutoSongbook

ABC Plus

My primary tool for creating musical scores in PDF format is the ABC Plus notation, in particular the package called abcm2ps. By using it as a starting point, I not only get printable output, but PDFs that work nicely with the AutoSongbook application. As a bonus, the same source files can be used to generate MIDI for other musical purposes.

Although there are graphical tools for dealing with ABC files, I tend toward a more basic approach. Using the Emacs text editor in combination with a plug-in that understands ABC syntax gives detailed control over page layout.

The final piece of the software puzzle for creating scores is something to convert Postscript -- which the above plugin generates -- into PDF files. Ghostscript does the job nicely as well as providing previews of the graphical output.

Before creating AutoSongbook I would do whatever was necessary to force an entire song onto two pages. Page turning while playing guitar is a skill I've never mastered...and don't intend to attempt. Being able to format my songs so that they're at their best for readability without worrying about a page count has been one of the advantages of AutoSongbook that I hadn't fully considered when I started work on it.


I'm currently in the process of determining a best set of formatting parameters to use when preparing a song for use with AutoSongbook. The following represent my preferences at the moment:

   pageheight    14.0in
   pagewidth     8.5in

   musicspace    0.4in
   vocalspace    0.4in
   textspace     0.4cm
   titlespace    0.0cm
   topspace      0.0cm
   topmargin     0.0in
   botmargin     0.0in
   leftmargin    0.4in
   rightmargin   0.4in
   composerspace 0.15cm

   maxshrink	 0.0
   notespacingfactor 1.0
   gchordfont    Palatino-Bold 13.0
   composerfont  Times-Italic 10.0
   historyfont   Times-Roman 10.0
   textfont      Times-Roman 14.0
   vocalfont     Times-Bold 14.0
   titlefont     Times-Bold 10.0

These can be copied into a format file that is used by default whenever an ABC song is converted to Postscript. In addition, I modify the 'scale' parameter inside each song file so that pages are as full as possible; it makes setting the song's duration in AutoSongbook easier and more accurate.